about us | The Big Apple

NEW Business Hours : Monday to Friday 9AM-6PM , Saturday & Sunday 8AM-7PM , Tuesday & Wednesday - Kitchen is closed.

About Us

This is the home of our delicious pies, breads, and other apple-inspired goodies - this is where it all begins! Our Apple Pies and Apple Bread are pretty famous, but we also make an awesome Pecan Pie and Mumble Crumble Bread. This yummy loaf is larger than our regular Apple Bread, and contains raisins and our signature mumble crumble topping! Its not just pies and bread we make, either - our saucy apple dumplings are regularly sought after.

We have apple crisps and apple bread puddings in two sizes! Our own Apple Bites (croutons) are available in two flavours - butter or sugar cinnamon - they make an excellent snack or salad companion. Newest additions include "Pie in a Cake" and "Tart in a Muffin".

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